Ivan Kuznetsov — outdoor journalist, editor and writer, co-founder of Panoramica creative studio in the Italian Alps.

— Since 2014, I’ve been helping to create, distribute and analyse content on all main outdoor activities, eco- and sports tourism, adventure travel, and related topics.
My three main format specialities are: first-person guides and long reads (200+), interviews with experts (150+), and a photo stories or reportages — a new direction that I’m also moving in right now.
In total, there are 1,000+ publications in my portfolio in almost all genres from news to research, which collected millions of views and have top-10 positions on internet search.
This page is an overview of my main texts, talks and other works with examples in the last 10+ years organized by 35 major clients, partners and communities in chronological order.
Follow the links in the contents to go to a particular case.
The plus (+) indicates 12 best works where the first two — Bird In Flight interviews and PeakVisor guides — are the very best in the two aforementioned formats.
For more details about cooperation with those and other people, here’s also my CV and reviews.

2 very best works
+ Bird In Flight photo magazine
+ PeakVisor AR app
10 best works (+) among 32 others
Velolive cycling news media
Windy.app weather app
Pro Loco Lamon tourism office
Velospeed ebikes store
+ Altitudini mountain blog
Samokatus travel media
Karelia Golden Ring travel agency
Tinkoff Journal
+ My Planet TV channel
+ Montenegro Travel Journal
Travel Startups community
Power of Wind yachting
+ Sport Marathon outdoor store
Eksmo publishing
+ Italian Week Festival
Roadgo autoguides
Mark and Lev farmer cooperative
Times and Epochs festival
Airbnb Adventures
+ Tinkoff Travel agency
Ridero self-publishing
Islet travel agency
OneTwoTrip travel agency
BlaBlaCar carpooling
+ Meet For Charity auction
Coral Travel agency
+ HelloGuide Skolkovo startup
+ Arrivo travel media
LinguaTrip 500 Startups
Beatdom magazine
Boomstarter crowdfunding
BigPicture photo blog
Neva Palitra art paints plant
Yelagin Island Park
2 articles for Velolive cycling news media
Velolive.com is the largest professional cycling news media in Russian language with tens of thousands of followers on social networks.
To celebrate the start of the very unusual 2024 UCI (International Cycling Union) season, I made two articles about its main features from two different perspectives: my own general observation as a fan and the insider’s look of three cyclists, which I reached and asked several questions.
Both publications received great reviews in the Comments section and on social networks of the media.
Mar 2024
180 guides, ski section, and 10+ SEO tasks for PeakVisor AR app
PeakVisor is a leading argument reality (AR) app and site with 3D maps for navigation in the mountains. It was featured in iPhone 13 presentation from Apple Park in September 2021.
I wrote 158 guides to the various mountain ranges, nature parks and administrative regions for the app’s website section “Explorer”, starting from the Dolomites, which are the home mountains for both me and PeakVisor. In particular, I covered the entire rage (20+ guides) and did the same for Finland (30+ guides). I also wrote a guide to San Martino di Castrozza ski resort and edited 22 guides to other major American and European ski resorts by other authors. In this way, I helped launch a new World Mountain Lifts section. Almost all of the guides rank in the top 5–10, the most popular ones has 100+ clicks.
In addition to this, I have also completed 10+ tasks for search engine optimization and overall website development.
Nov 2020 — Apr 2023
12 site sections, 300+ articles, and 100+ pics for Windy.app weather app
Windy.app is a leading professional weather forecast app and site for wind sports and outdoor activities recognized as the best in its category by the World Meteorological Organization in 2020.
As a full-time editor, I’ve entirely organized, edited, wrote, designed, and managed 300+ articles and pages of content, mostly on weather forecasting for outdoors, with 100+ illustrations in all 12 site sections, including meteorological textbook and outdoor encyclopedia. My most popular text “How to read wind direction” ranks #1 at Google and generates 6,000+ traffic per month. It’s also the second-most clicked after the home page. Five other articles has 1,000+ traffic and 100+ articles has at least 100 traffic. Overall, I helped to grew blog and other content sections from almost a zero to nearly 15% of over a million of site’s pages, most of which are “blank” spots with weather. There are also publications on several third-party media.
In addition to this, I have completed 30+ tasks for search engine optimization (SEO) and overall website development.
English, Spanish
Jun 2020 — Apr 2023
Research for Pro Loco Lamon tourism office
Pro Loco Lamon is a tourism office of a small town of Lamon in the province of Belluno in the Dolomites in Italy. It is known for two main reasons: the tradition of growing beans with the Festa del Fagiolo and the Via Claudia Augusta road from Germany to Venice.
I have been working with the office since 2013 as a volunteer. During my studies at the University of Bergamo, I reasonably chose it as my internship location. Durint it, I made a research, including an online survey among locals to identify main values, features, advantages and disadvantages of Lamon as a tourist destination. More than 80 people participated in the survey with detailed answers.
As a result, I wrote a 26-page report with key findings. In brief, most of locals see tourism as beneficial than the other way around.
Italian, English
Jan 2021
5 articles and 50+ product pages for Velospeed ebikes store
Velospeed is an electric bikes store in Reading, Berkshire, South East, UK, operating since 2009, whose website is visited by 27,000 people a month.
I wrote five articles about ebikes as an attempt to start developing their blog with a focus on SEO. One of them, What is the fastest ebike, has the top 7 position for this query and generates 1,000+ clicks per month. All of these articles are a part of a guide to ebikes for beginners.
There are also 50+ product pages on bikes categories, brands, accessories, and more, which I rewrote in a unified style. For exampe, city ebikes.
Oct — Nov 2020
50+ publications on my experience for Altitudini blog and others
Altitudini.it is a blog in Italian with 10,000+ monthly visitors dedicated to the world’s mountains, founded and run by the Communications Director of Aku shoes, one of the leading local outdoor brands.
It is also the blogger contest of the same name, which has been running for 10 years. I took part in it in 2020 with my text about finding the best job in the world in the Dolomites. In total, I have published 50+ texts in different formats for other popular media, blogs, and social media groups.
These publications include 10+ written and audio interviews and 18 public talks.
Russian, English, Italian
Mar 2014 — Nov 2020
35 interviews for Bird In Flight photo magazine
Bird In Flight is an online magazine about photography and visual culture with 225,000 monthly visitors, a content project of international photo bank Depositphotos.com. It is also the namesake photo award.
In the magazine I spoke with many world-famous and highly-recognized street and travel photographers from all parts of the world: Marcin Ryczek (Poland), Claudio Edinger (Brazil), Eric Kogan (U.S.A.), Angelo Ferillo (Italy), Nils Jorgensen (UK), Tavepong Pratoomwong (Thailand), Shin Noguchi (Japan), and others.
The main language of the magazine is Ukranian, but four of my 35 interviews were published in English, including this huge profile of the New York City Street Photography Collective (NYC-SPC) with seven of 21 members. It has 6,000 views, thanks to these ninja turtles. My most popular text has 10,000 views — on its cover are bare feet covered in mosquitoes.
Russian, English
Mar 2017 — Oct 2023
3 articles for Samokatus travel media
Samokatus is a popular travel media with a monthly audience of over 300,000 people that grew out of a social media community about discounts and sales on airfare and other travel products.
I wrote three articles for the site: “The undiscoved Dolomites,” “A week’s guide to Helsinki,” and “Where digital nomads go,” where I talked about my experiences of traveling, living, and working in these and other countries.
All three articles rank in the top positions for direct requests. The Dolomites guide was also republished in April 2021.
Sep 2019 — Mar 2020
Guide to Petrozavodsk for Karelia Golden Ring travel agency
Karelia Golden Ring is the largest classic travel agency in the Karelia region of northern Russia with 97,000 monthly visitors on its site.
As a local, I wrote a detailed guide to the capital of the region, the city of Petrozavodsk, covering all the main issues from reasons to travel to second-time trip through seasons and weather, top attractions and activities with kids. The idea of writing the text was also to print it as a separate brochure in different languages and give it to tourists instead of endlessly answering the same questions, which should have saved the agents a lot of time.
For internal agency reasons, the guide has not been published so far, but I have also shared the experience on its social networks.
Mar 2020
4 articles for Tinkoff Journal
Tinkoff Journal is an independent media of the largest online bank in Russia with the same name. It started as the main blog about money (and still is) and has grown into a multi-thematic magazine and community with a monthly audience of 19 million people.
I’ve written four articles: “How I live in the Dolomites” with 36,000 views, 70 comments, and 17 bookmarks; “What to know about Finland” and “Ideas for Finland’s outdoors” with 41,000 views, 39 comments and 38 bookmarks in total; and “Ways to save on accommodation” with 12,000 views.
After the text about the Dolomites, I also received emails from readers with questions. It is also in the top 30 but was in the top 10 until 2020 when more detailed guides were written by other authors.
Oct 2019 — Feb 2020
3 popular rubrics with 40 interviews for My Planet TV channel
My Planet (Moya Planeta) is a website with 260,000 visitors per month, traveler’s club and festival of the largest travel TV channel in Russia, a kind of local Discovery Channel.
For the site I created and ran three rubrics. The fisrts one is “The rules of life” — a person of the interesting profession in a mostly non-urban location, for example, New Zealand maori. The second is “Country in Russian” — interviews with Russian-speaking residents of different states, for example, Iran with 100,000+ views. The third is “Travel bloggers answer” — famous Internet personalities talk about their most unsuccessful trips, which featured two of my interviews. In total, I made 40 interviews (not all listed in profile by the this link).
In addition to Iran, several other interviews also collected more than 100,000 views, and the most popular one in the rubric is about Georgia with more than 350,000 views. But all three columns became popular immediately, many other authors write in them now. On average, each interview gets about 10,000 views.
Jun 2015 — Dec 2019
150+ publications, 14 interviews, and ski research for Montenegro Travel Journal
Montenegro Travel Journal is a blog or rather a small corporate media of the leading car rental company in Montenegro where it’s very difficult to travel by public transportation.
I created the journal from scratch and wrote, edited, designed, and published 150+ publications in all formats, including many personal stories with advice from locals, which I attracted to the project in this way to increase its credibility. On top of that, I recorded a series of 14 interviews with some of them. On average at the start the materials collected up to 300–500 views, in the fall of 2023 it had 17,000 monthly visitors. Many of the texts took leading positions in search, for example, for such important keywords as “Boko Kotor Bay” — top 1, “National Parks of Montenegro” — top 5, “Remote work” — top 7, and others. I also wrote 10+ texts for third-party popular sites.
Separately, I made a research on 9 main ski resorts in the Balkan countries, compared them with Montenegro on 25 parameters and wrote a press release about it for the same purpose of sharing it other media.
Jun 2018 — Dec 2019
20+ posts for Travel Startups and Dharma Bums communities
Travel Startups is the main Russian-speaking Facebook community on this topic with over 18,600 industry professionals, from SMM managers to CEOs. Dharma Bums is, in a way, its opposite. It is the largest community of budget travelers with a total of 280,000 people.
As a member of both, I made 10+ posts in each of them, but read and commented a lot. For example, in the first one, I talked about Helsinki program to “sell” the city as a service for IT professionals and shared my own universal template for a successful application, which was requested from me in private messages by more than 30 people.
In the second, I conducted a survey on where the edge of the world is located, with almost 1,000 people answering. New Zealand — 27.9%. I also made an article from it in Arrivo travel media.
Nov 2014 — Dec 2019
Guide for novice skippers for Power of Wind yachting
Power of Wind (Sila Vetra) is the largest and most modern yachting school in Russia. It is also a travel agency with its own tours, corporate regattas, glamping, store, and more. The audience of its website is 73,000 visitors per month and 70,000+ on Instagram.
I created a guide for novice skippers, for which I found an author with many years of experience in yachting in Turkey, drafted for her writing guidlines, and edited the result. An English version was also published on the Windy.app blog, including a second part with routes in the Mediterranean.
Both guides in English have had a combined 2,200+ clicks from search in the last two years.
Eglish, Russian
Jul — Aug 2019
2 guides, 5 interviews, and 3 public talks for Sport Marathon outdoor store
Sport Marathon is Russia’s leading outdoor equipment store. Moreover, it is a modern media, a traveler’s club with a lecture hall with daily events, a festival, and even an outdoor activities park near Moscow. You could say it’s the Russian RAI Coop. The project’s website gets over 1.3 million visits per month.
I wrote two large guides to the Dolomites and wild Finland in two parts each for the store’s blog, as well as five interviews with famous travel bloggers under the common title “How to combine traveling with work and family”.
Based on each of these materials, I gave a lecture at their club — respectively, “Hiking in the Dolomites“, “Traveling through the wild Finland“, and “Becoming a travel editor“, where I shared my professional experience. In total, the lectures were attended by more than 50 people and collected 7,500+ views on YouTube and 130+ likes.
Jun 2018 — Aug 2019
5 literary side-projects for Eksmo publishing and others
Eksmo is the largest publisher of books of all genres in Russia with 1.4 million monthly visitors on its site.
I wrote an abstract for the cover of Dasha Pakhtusova’s debut travelogue “Everything is possible.” Upon release, it immediately became a bestseller: Dasha is one of the country’s most famous bloggers with 20,000+ followers.
In addition, I’ve participated in four other projects: editing the “Windy.app meteotextbook” with 100+ lessons — an archive of a newsletter with over 100,000 people; an idea and structure of a book about living in an eco-village by Alexander Ivanov, a published author of “Outside the Сity” (Treemedia, 2019); the first-ever translation of one of the Dolomites legends to Russian as a fragment of my book “The Mountain Keeper”; and updating of the free PDF guidebooks to Italy and Finland for Arrivo travel media with 1.5 million visitors at its peak in 2015.
Russian, English
Mar 2015 — May 2019
18 public talks for Italian Week Festival and others
Italian Week Festival is the main festival of Italian culture in Moscow, which has been taking place since 2012. It is not one, but a whole series of multi-day events in all seasons. It has almost 10,000 visitors per month on the site and 18,000 followers on Facebook.
In April 2019, I spoke about the Dolomites at the festival’s three-day Spring Fair at Flacon design factory, one of the city’s main creative spaces. Press release with the announcement of the fair and my participation among the main speakers was published by 15+ leading news sites, such as Time Out Moscow. In addition, I spoke at 17 other offline and online events: Sport Marathon outdoors store, Tutu.ru online travel agency, Sysma town public library in Finland, Radio Russia and radio Echo of Moscow, Tvil.ru (Russian Airbnb), Ecological Forum of St. Petersburg State University, and Penza city branch of the Russian Geographical Society, among others.
Meetings was attended by at least 15–20 people. They asked many questions and left positive feedback about me as a speaker.
Russian, English
Jun 2014 — Apr 2019
Autoguide on Ladoga Lake for Roadgo
Roadgo.ru is a small but modern site with guides for road trips in Russia.
I wrote a guide on the route from St. Petersburg to the southern part of Ladoga Lake, which is the largest in Europe, telling about its main natural and man-made attractions: fortress on the island, lighthouse, several monuments and museums, and others.
The project operated from about 2016 to 2023. Now it is not available even in the archived version, but Facebook and Instagram remain. The latter has 17,000 followers.
Aug 2018
PR interview for Mark and Lev farmer cooperative
Mark and Lev is a farmer cooperative in the Tula region near Moscow. It unites 15 farms that sell their products at their own fair. It is also the namesake “sole true locavore (a person who only eats food that is grown or produced in their local area) restaurant in Russia”, as The Moscow Times wrote about it, a hotel, and several other projects. There are almost 10,000 visitors on the project’s site with the same number of followes on Facebook.
I talked to its founder, an ideologist and, of course, also a farmer himself, Alexander Goncharov, about business, the social networks he doesn’t use, village holidays, and simple rural happiness.
The interview was published on Vc.ru, the leading media and community for business and startups with a monthly audience of 20 million people. The text itself garnered 1.7 views.
May 2018
30+ poster texts for Times and Еpochs festival
Times and Epochs is the largest festival of historical reconstruction in Russia and Europe, which has been held every year for the last decade under the Moscow seasons brand with 430,000 visitors on its site. The creator of the festival is the Ratobortsy agency (ratoborets is fighter, defender of something).
The festival consists of more than 30 thematic sites, dedicated to different time epochs of Russia and the world, for example, the Middle Ages. I edited and wrote descriptions of each site, which could be read on special stands. Descriptions have also been published on the festival’s application in App Store and Google Play.
I also edited more than 10 internal presentations about other local festivals that the agency sells to clients in other cities.
Russian, English
May 2018
Hiking tour “Open Dolomites” for Airbnb Adventures
Airbnb Adventures is a branch of Airbnb Experiences platform for local guides and experts. It offers multi-day adventures (rather than one-day easy excursions and tours) with experts around the world.
I was one of the first 200 guides in this relatively new program, who were specially selected to promote it. In my tour Open Dolomites with travel journalist, I offer tourists from Venice and Verona to discover the most non-touristy part of Dolomites in three days. The tour is available in three languages.
Through this and other similar sites I have made 10 tours for 30 people in total with mostly very positive reviews. More, these hikes turned the lives of some participants upside down. For example, one girl changed her job in a bank client service to physiotherapy, another got a tattoo with the mountains! and another came in the Dolomites for a second hike next year, off-season. Read some reviews in my host profile in Airbnb.
English, Italian, Russian
May 2018
85 answers to the FAQs about air tickets for Tinkoff Travel agency
Tinkoff Travel is online travel agency of Tinkoff, the largest online bank in Russia with 29 million clients in 2022.
The bank’s task was to launch a separate Help section for their travel agency with asnwers to the most frequently asked questions about airline tickets, hotels, car rentals, tours, and other things they offer. So I started with the first one and wrote an entire Airfare Help section or 85 articles, from saving and buying to exchanging and refunding.
Prior to that, as an editor, I compiled the final list of these questions.
Nov 2017 — Jan 2018
2 self-published books for Ridero
Ridero.ru is the main self-publishing platform in Russia with 546,000 monthly visitors on its site, which also operates in Europe. It offers all services for writers, including a unique (for about 2016) in-house layout system, print-on-demand, and distribution to all leading retailers, including Amazon.
On the site, I published two books: “Mountain Keeper” — a 250-page ecological travelogue about a year at the best job in the Dolomites, Italy” and “I’m Arriving” — the first-ever collection of 40 interviews with 55 famous Russian-speaking travelers. Through the site, I officially sold 50 books each but distributed more than 500 free copies.
I actively promoted both books through crowdfunding, my own interviews, including this feature at Ridero blog itself and getting to Recommended on the main page of the site, shared excerpts from them on more than 10 popular media, and more.
Sep 2014 — Feb 2018
Article about Italy by train for Islet travel agency
Islet (Ostrovok.ru) is another leading online travel agency in Russia. It specializes in all types of accommodation and can be safely called “Russian Booking.com” with an audience of 16.7 million visitors per month.
The site also has a daily corporate travel media with 1.2 million monthly visitors and more than 1300 articles answering three main questions: where to go, where to stay, and how to travel, as well as news.
For the blog, I wrote an article “How to travel in Italy by train” where I told about my personal experience. The article has collected 23,000 views so far.
Sep — Dec 2017
3 PR articles for OneTwoTrip travel agency
OneTwoTrip is one of the leading and most modern online travel agencies in Russia with 4.6 million monthly visitors.
In cooperation with the company’s PR director, I wrote three articles, which were published on the company’s blog, but also the country’s leading media outlets, namely about hotel services in Lenta.ru (a major news site), tax free in The Village (a major city site), and using credit cards abroad in Rossiyskaya Gazeta (another major news site).
For the first article, I also took comments from several travelers who talked about their experiences.
Jul — Dec 2017
2 PR articles for BlaBlaCar carpooling
BlaBlaCar is the leading carpooling service in Europe. Like Uber, only cheaper and more interesting. The Russian version of the site is visited by 4.7 million people monthly.
In 2017, Mail.ru, the second largest postal service and internet company in Russia after Yandex, launched a startup — an analog of BlaBlaCar called BeepCar. To help promote the service, I wrote two PR articles — “How to become a digital nomad” for Rusbase.ru (one of the main business medias with an audience of 1.6 million visitors) and “Safe drifting across Russia” with routes from Kaliningrad for the main local youth publication TvoyBro (Your Brother) with an audience of 58,000 visitors. At the end, Beepcar didn’t take off, so it was subsequently sold to BlaBlaCar.
The article about nomads has collected 239 reposts and is on the 18th position by direct request, but has been in the top 5 for a long time.
Apr — Dec 2017
70 biographies of celebrities for Meet For Charity auction
Meet For Charity is an auction that helps to raise money for charity through meetings with celebrities from different fields from creativity and sports to business and politics. Since 2016, the project has raised 2,883,986 dollars.
Each meeting with a person is presented as an item that is announced via a short post with a brief but intriguing biography of the person on the auction’s own site and on all popular social networks. I have written 70 biographies of the most famous people in Russia. For example, about Tutta Larsen, a former MTV broadcaster. In the process, I also developed and temporarily implemented a unified structure and the so-called “tone of voice”. Each of my posts collected on average 50 likes, 30 comments and 20 reposts on Facebook.
In addition, I wrote an About page for the site, several press releases, including an important one about the launch of the site and mobile app, and a PR article about its founder, who raised 250,000 dollars in investment while on an adventure trip to California.
Aug — Oct 2017
18 posts of Tourism basics and 12 agent’s profiles for Coral Travel agency
Coral Travel is one of the largest classic travel agencies in Europe with branches in many countries, including Russia, where it has 1.8 million visitors on its site. It also sells franchises to smaller agencies that operate under its brand.
For three months, I managed the social networks of one of them with its own network of 9 offices in Moscow and 10,000 monthly visitors on its site. In particular, I came up with and idea and wrote 18 posts in the Tourism Basics series, which explain the most important concepts in the popular “what is” and “how-to” formats. For example, “What is a charter flight” and “How to travel in the rainy season“. All in all, with other formats, it turned out to be 90 posts, one per each day of the week.
I also recorded a series of interviews with agency employees called “Who helps you travel” in the format of a questionnaire with funny questions like “Who is scarier: ghosts or aliens?”, so they weren’t really about tourism. I have also responded to them.
Aug — Oct 2017
Demo site with 36 excursions for HelloGuide Skolkovo startup
HelloGuide.ru is an idea of startup for finding Russian-speaking guides around the world, a resident of the “Skolkovo Startup Academy — 12″ program at Russia’s main innovation center Skolkovo with 282,000 visitors on its site.
As editor-in-chief of the project, I helped its founder to graduate from the academy and to win first place in the IT ideas competition at the country’s largest Startup Village conference and to receive a 15,000 dollars grant. To accomplish this, I recruited more than 10 guides in three main tourism cities in Russia: Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Sochi, and designed 36 excursions on the site, which I also created on my own in an online builder without a code. The guides included people who had never given tours and/or worked with similar projects. I also remotely organized two real excursions with the fellow street and travel photographers. The founder used photos from them to show how the project will work during the Investors Day at the Academy.
The demo site has not survived, because the project didn’t materialize for reasons of low funding, but it helped the founder find an idea for his next business — Take Charge powerbank rental stations. In 2021, this project ranked 30th among the 100 most profitable startups in Russia according to the Russian version of Inc. magazine. Read more about his amazing journey.
Mar — Jun 2017
250+ publications and 50 interviews for Arrivo travel media
Arrivo.ru is a media about travel in the literal and broad sense, owned by the digital advertising agency Arrivo Media. As of today, in fall 2023, the project’s audience is 92,000 visitors per month, but between 2012 and 2017 it reached 1.5 million people. Then the project was frozen and re-launched.
During my two years at Arrivo as an intervier and lead editor, and then as the sole author for more than a year, I wrote, designed and published 250+ of my own publications in a variety of genres and formats but mostly photo news and reports. For each piece, I came up with a striking headline and text with humor, which is a key feature of Arrivo’s writing guidlines. I also recorded 50 interviews with famous Russian-speaking travelers and published the first even collection of such texts in Russia.
On average, my materials have collected 5,000–10,000 views, 20 internal likes, and up to 50 reposts, not counting social networks. The most popular interview, “The ocean is full of aliens” with the main Russian marine biologist and photographer Alexander Semenov has already collected 37,000 views.
Nov 2014 — May 2017
PR article about Ireland for LinguaTrip 500 Startups
LinguaTrip is an online platform based in Silicon Valley that helps you find, choose and book a language school worldwide, both online and offline. The project is an alumnus of the 500 Startups accelerator. It has 370,000 monthly visitors on its site.
I wrote a PR article based on an interview with one of the platform’s students who studied and then found a job in science in Ireland. It’s a successful case study demonstrating that studying at a language school can help relocate to another country.
The article was published on Vc.ru, one of the leading publications about business and startups, but also many other topics in Russian language with an audience of 21 million visitors per month. The article itself collected 39,000 views and 27 comments.
Mar 2017
Interview about Jack Kerouac for Beatdom magazine
Beatdom.com is a website of the world’s most authoritative paper magazine dedicated to Beat culture.
I made an interview with locally-known British artist Bevin Richardson from Sheffield, South Yorkshire, Yorkshire and the Humber region, who drew an alternative cover, a poster and comic book based on Jack Kerouac’s classic book “Dharma Bums”. The more interesting thing is that he did it on a huge long canvas like the original manuscript, and red wine instead of ink! We talked about his work, Beat culture, traveling and outdoors.
The text did not go into the paper version of the magazine, but was published on its website, which has 43,000 monthly visitors.
Oct 2015
2 crowdfunding campaigns for Boomstarter
Boomstarter is one of the two main crowdfunding platforms in Russia or the local analog of Kickstarter (the other is Planeta.ru — IndiGogo). The project’s audience is 180,000 visitors per month.
I made two crowdfunding campaigns — for my ecological travelogue about a year of living and working in the Dolomites, Italy, and an ecological journey through 6 nature reserves and national parks of Russia from Karelia to Kamchatka. Both projects raised a total of 1,000 dollars from 110 sponsors. Both lasted 60 days, but I was engaged in them for two years continuously. I attracted many sponsors to the projects, including all major volunteer organizations in the country, and made dozens of publications in the leading media.
As a result of the first project, I self-published a book and distributed it to 30 sponsors, and then officially sold 50 copies. The second project, the plan of which I also described more similarly in the interview, has not been realized, but I hitchhiked from St. Petersburg to Kazan, 1,600 km, turned around and became a full-time travel editor — that’s the story.
Mar 2013 — Jun 2014
Reportage about Finnish cottage for BigPicture photo news blog
BigPicture is the leading photo news blog in Russia with an audience of over 300,000 visitors per month, and at its peak in 2015 it had over 4 million.
Specially for the blog, I wrote a photo reportage about two weeks of volunteering in a very ordinary Finnish cottage on the shore of a forest lake in South Karelia region. In the text, I talk about the simple and minimalistic lifestyle of the Finns, their love of nature, and of course about the Finnish sauna. In my opinion, we all — inhabitants of other parts of the world — have to learn from them (and also from our neighbors Estonians, Swedes, and other Scandinavians).
The site moved to a new domain and back, so the number of views was not saved.
May 2014
Information on all packaging for Neva Palitra art paints plant
Neva Palitra is the oldest and largest factory of artistic paints in Russia located in Saint Petersburg. The company has seven main brands. They are also sold and widely known in Europe and other parts of the world. The audience of the plant is huge. For example, it has 130,000 followes on Instagram and 50,000 on Facebook.
As a product manager assistant, I was responsible for information on the packaging of all the plant’s products, from tubes to sets, for Russian and overseas markets in Enlgish. Among other things, I generated barcodes and gave assignments to designers. During two years I made no major data errors.
I also developed and implemented a type of transportation packaging.
Russian, English
Jun 2010 — Mar 2013
About page for Central park of Saint Petersburg
Central park of Saint Petersburg, which is also known as Yelagin Island, is the largest park on an island in the center of the city and unique protected natural complex.
I wrote a page about park, its history and main attractions for its site with 138,000 visitors. It also contains basic practical information: working hours, ticket prices and discounts for certain groups of visitors, and so on.
Mostly, however, I helped organize and run street vending in the park, including working during sunny weekends, which are quite rare in Saint Petersburg, and large national and local events of up to 25–30 thousand people.
Russian, English
Apr 2010
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