Creative hike in the Bergamo Alps

A three-hour life-changing experience with Panoramica founders

Creative hikes with a small group of new friends in May 2019. Irina Kudres / Panoramica

Meet Panoramica founders during a three-hour creative hike just north of Bergamo, Italy, and enjoy the whole studio concept in one place and time, totally offline.


Creative hike is a three-hour life-changing experience with the founders of Panoramica studio: Ivan Kuznetsov and Irina Kudres — outdoor journalists and photographers with 20 years of creative, professional, travel and communication background combined.

This is the quintessence of the studio and the most unique experience you can have with it. It contains everything we can offer at once — creativity, sports, nature, and friendship. All this happens offline in Valle Imagna, the most non-touristy of the major valleys north of Bergamo and an eco museum under the Resegone mountain, 1,815 m. During these three hours we will know each other, make an easy picturesque hike with panoramic views, talk about creativity and travel, overcome some funny challenges, play a card game, and eat Italian food at a modern cafe in a historic building. You will see some other locals and learn about their way of life in the nature from us.

The creative hike will appeal to anyone already familiar with Panoramica’s work, but wants to experience it in a direct way and to share their own creation. In one way or another, it will give a positive energy boost to all three parties — you, us, and other locals.

I want life to be different after the hike, because it just can’t be the same.

— Irina Kudres, photographer, Bergamo


Ivan Kuznetsov and Irina Kudres — co-founders of Panoramica creative studio in the Italian Alps.

They met during one of the first creative hikes that Ivan organized in another part of the Italian Alps, the Dolomites, in September 2019. He first came there in March 2013 to take part in a year-long volunteer project of Legambiente, the largest environmental association in Italy. Ivan lived in a former school, ran workshops for children, led excursions in the mountains, participated in all the village festivities, and wrote and published, with the help of crowdfunding, a book about it all, “The mountain keeper.” (Panoramica, 2025). He liked these places and their people so much that he stayed mentally here, and made 10 new shorter trips of about a month each there over the next 7 years. Irina came to the Dolomites for the first time from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, where she worked for an international startup, with frequent trips to Munich, Germany, on the other side of the Alps. They moved to Italy together in 2020, enrolling at the master’s degree course “Planning and management of tourism systems” at the University of Bergamo. After the study, they stayed near the city, where they found their second home in Italy, made many new trips to the Dolomites, and visited many other places in between and beyond.

Since 2013, they have organised 11 creative hikes for 32 people from Russia, Israel, Canada, Italy, and other countries. Add to that the four week-long volunteer camps for Italians and foreigners and several short excursions that Ivan helped lead while working at Legambiente and you get over 100 people who have already came to the Italian Alps with us, and liked it.


• Up to 5–8 people
• 3-hour
• 50 euros/person
• From March to December 2024
• Book gift


The creative hike lasts about three hours, where everything is mixed. Nevertheless, in general, the first hour is about meeting and knowing each other, the second hour is about hiking and learning about nature, and the third hour is creativity.

Meeting with participants of creative hikes. Ivan Kuznetsov / Panoramica
Hiking in the mountains. Ivan Kuznetsov / Panoramica
Playing the Interview game. Ivan Kuznetsov / Panoramica


This great journey has given me mountains of new things. I’ve learned a new side of myself that I’ve never seen before.

— Tanya, photographer, self-employed, Moscow, Russia

I don’t know how the hike would have turned out if Ivan hadn’t believed in us. But he did, and it was worth a lot. He blessed us to take the hard route instead of the easy one: “I can see that you will make it!”

— Natasha, manager in the game testing group at NVIDIA, San Diego, California, USA

The main impression is not even how beautiful the mountains it is, but understanding of what incredible heights you can climb.

— Katya, web data analyst at T-Bank, Moscow, Russia

Read more reviews from participants of creative hikes and get inspired for your life-changing journey to the Italian Alps.

All hike data

• Title: Creative hike: A three-hour life-changing experience with Panoramica studio founders
• Locals: Ivan Kuznetsov, Irina Kudres
• Languages: English, Italian, Russian
• Format: up to 5–6 people. We are friendly to couples, families and children
• Season: March to December 2024
• Dates: when it is a good weather
Duration: 3 hours, plus 1.5–2 hours for your travel both ways from Bergamo center, it doesn’t have to be the weekends
• Start: Tourist information center IAT Valle Imagna, Viale Alle Fonti, Campo Sportivo, Sant’Omobono Terme, Bergamo.
• Finish: Pasticceria Acquario, Viale V. Veneto, 70, Sant’Omobono Terme, Bergamo.
• Level of hiking difficulty: easy
• Max altitude gain: +200–300 m
• Distance: 10 km
• Food and drinks: typical Bergamo and Italian dishes with some local products from Valle Imagna
• Things to take: good walking shoes, jacket, raincoat or umbrella in the case of rainy weather
• Cost: 50 euro/person
• Gifts: one of Panoramica’s paper books, postcard, and some other paper products

If you have any questions, feel free to ask at


By participating in these creative hikes you are not only discovering the region through outdoor activity you like or want to try for the first time but becoming a part of Panoramica creative studio, a friend and a family member, as we say in Italy. Making these hikes possible, we are helping to development of sustainable tourism in Valle Imagna and building a bridge between it and your place. This leads to positive changes both on a trail of your life and the life of a local community.

Go to Ivan’s and Irina’s profile pages or to the Panoramica Studio page.