Street photography errata

This is a list of errors and corrections for the book “The art and science of street photography”.

1. In section Map the city of Fukui is in a second list of “native” cities of photographers. Correction: it is also a “current” city for Ryosuke Takamura, so it should be in the first list.

2. In chapter 2 “Photo projects” in an update about Giedo van der Zwan after the interview it is written that “in October 2024, he will present it at the Trieste Photo Days in Trieste, Italy”. Correction: he already did it in 2018.

3. In chapter 5 “NYC Collective” in an interview with Mathias Wasik it is written that he was born in 1932. Correction: 1982.

4. In chapter 7 in an interview with Marcin Ryczek it is written that “Sadako started making these origami cranes…” Correction: “Sadako started making 1,000 origami cranes…”

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