Ivan’s profile

Ivan Kuznetsov — outdoor journalist, editor and writer, co-founder of Panoramica creative studio in the Italian Alps.

— Since 2014, I’ve been doing journalism, editing and writing, as well as designing and analysing content on all main outdoor activities, sustainable tourism, adventure travel, creativity, self-education, communities, and related topics.

My three main format specialities are interviews with experts (200+), first-person guides and long reads to both my home regions, Italy and Finland (200+), and photo stories — a new direction that I’m also moving in now.

In total, there are 1,000+ publications in my CV and portfolio in almost all genres from news to research, which collected millions of views and rank in the top of the Google.

As a writer, I’m an author of a book “The art and science of street photography” — a rare collection of 20+ interviews with well-known masters of the genre published by Panoramica in 2024. There are four more books on the way in this year.

Before this, in Russian language, I have published two other literary works: a one-place ecological travelogue “The mountain keeper. A year in the Dolomites, Italy” and “I’m arriving. How to travel, live in the world and be your true self” — the first-ever collection of interviews with well-known Russian-speaking travelers, including myself. They are also planned for publication in English in Panoramica in 2025–2026.

As a speaker, I took part in 18 offline and live online events with public talks about the same topics of my interest and have done 10 interviews for various popular media and blogs.

My other creative- and travel-related achievements include 11 personally organised creative hikes in the Dolomites for 32 people; an educational course “How to record a badass interview” and a related game; and studying at a masters degree “Planning and Management of Tourism Systems” at the University of Bergamo, Italy.

Prior to Italy, I lived in 30 places in 10 countries in Europe, Asia, and North America for periods ranging from more than a month to a year. These stays involved everything from couchsurfing and volunteering to freelancing and doing a writing residence — spending enough time not to call it “traveling.”

I speak three languages: English, Italian and Russian.

There are more than 200 positive reviews about working and communicating with me.

Write me at ciao@panoramica.studio or LinkedIn. Here’s also my personal iamkunavi@gmail.com and LinkedIn.

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